What’s on in Stamford, Rutland, Bourne and the Deepings in the week ahead
There's plenty going on in the next week in Stamford, Rutland, Bourne and the Deepings.
Make sure you take a good look through so you don’t miss out.
To include your event in diary dates, email: smeditor@stamfordmercury.co.uk by 5pm on a Monday.
Friday, October 6
Skippinish - 8pm, Stamford Corn Exchange. Tickets £28.50: www.stamfordcornexchange.co.uk or 01780 766455.
Ouse Valley Singles Club - 8pm, Mama Liz’s Voodoo Lounge, North Street, Stamford. Tickets £12 from www.seetickets.com
Art exhibition - 10am - 8pm, Maxey Village Hall, PE6 9EJ. Hosted by Maxey Art Group and Deepings Art Club. Free entry and refreshments available.
The life and crimes of Agatha Christie - a talk by Mark Temple - 7pm – 9pm, St Mary’s Church, Burrough on the Hill. Tickets £5 on the door or in advance from June Feehan on 07967 506889. Complimentary nibbles, licensed bar. Funds raised to support St Mary’s Church.
Corby Glen Sheep Fair - 4pm - 10pm, village green. Fun fair and also live music at the Fighting Cocks pub from 8.30pm from Fire Flies. Details at https://sheepfair.co.uk/
Stamford Primary Schools Sing for Ukraine - 5.15pm, St Martin’s Hall, Stamford Sixth Form, High Street St Martin’s. Free entry, donations to: justgiving.com/crowdfunding/stamfordforukraine
Rutland Adult Open Art Exhibition - Rutland County Museum, Oakham. Runs until October 21. All pieces available to purchase. Run by Arts for Rutland: www.a4r.org.uk
Saturday, October 7
Sausage and Cider Festival - 1pm to 4pm, The White Hart pub, Ufford. Apple pressing for families, plus sizzling sausages, cider and music from a ukulele band.
Abba Forever - 7.30pm, Stamford Corn Exchange. Tickets £25: www.stamfordcornexchange.co.uk or 01780 766455.
Rutland Sinfonia Beethoven in Oakham - 7.30pm, Oakham School Chapel. Tickets: www.rutlandsinfonia.org.uk
Art exhibition - 10am - 5pm, Maxey village hall, PE6 9EJ. Hosted by Maxey Art Group and Deepings Art Club. Free entry and refreshments available.
Sue Ryder’s Starlight Hike - 5.30pm warm up with 7pm set off, Ferry Meadows Country Park. Money raised will go to Sue Ryder, which runs Thorpe Hall Hospice in Peterborough. More at sueryder.org/starlightpeterborough. Tickets are £15 for adults and £6 for children with those under five going free.
Live music - 8pm, Exton Village Hall, Oakham Road. Sax and piano duo Ian Millar and Dominic Spencer. £12 (under 16s free). Bring your own beer. Tickets 07710 459 655 / extonvillagehall@gmail.com
Classical Series - 7.30pm, Stamford Arts Centre. “The Mozartists” - works by Mozart, J.C.Bach and Haydn. Harpsichord : Steven Devine, Leader : Matthew Truscott, Conductor : Ian Page.
Nibble and natter - 10am to midday, Bourne Abbey Church Hall. Stalls to include books, raffle and refreshments. Proceeds to Bourne Abbey Church.
Jason Rebello Trio - 7.45pm, Stamford Methodist Church. £20 (£18/£10). Tickets stamfordartscentre.com / 01780 763203
Corby Glen Sheep Fair - 10am-4pm, corner of Tanners Lane. Melton Mowbray Sheep Auction, food and produce market. Fun fair at village green from 3pm-10pm. Live music at the Fighting Cocks pub 5pm-11pm. Details at https://sheepfair.co.uk/
Sunday, October 8
An evening of spiritual communication - 7.30pm, Stamford Corn Exchange. Featuring Darren Turner and Donna Stewart. Tickets £18: www.stamfordcornexchange.co.uk or 01780 766455.
Phoney Fools and Horses - 7pm (bar 6.15pm), Irnham Hall. Tickets £13 from shows.irnham.org or call Terry on 07801 865780. Expected to be a sell-out.
Apple day - midday to 4pm, Bourne Community Orchard, off Beech Avenue, Bourne. Apples from the orchard, refreshments, games, craft stall, nature table and plant stall.
Corby Glen Sheep Fair - 9am-5pm, various venues. Including fun run at 9am, dog show (10.30am-1pm), classic cars (10am-4pm), fun fair (10am-5pm). Details at https://sheepfair.co.uk/
Monday, October 9
Badminton club - 8pm, Stamford Community Badminton Club, Stamford Endowed School sports hall, Conduit Road. For information call Heather 07749 456690.
Stamford Flower Club - 6pm for 7pm, Stamford Methodist Church, Barnhill, Stamford PE9 2AE. Demonstration of five arrangements by Pauline Foster on the theme of ‘Let us dance in the Sun’. She will tell anecdotes and offer top tips . Win an arrangement in the raffle. Refreshments. Membership not required £6. Contact karenlelawrie@icloud.com
Bourne Scrabble Club - 2pm, 1HUB, Queens Road, Bourne. Contact Angela 01778 426617/07706993886
Tuesday, October 10
Business meeting at Oddfellows Hall at 10.30am. Members only. Free to attend and open to all members. Further details from Karen on 01778 342006.
Baby loss reflection evening - 5pm to 7pm at Burghley House near Stamford. Organised by Bereavement and Loss Matters. Tickets are free from www.eventbrite.com/e/baby-loss-evening-at-burghley-house-tickets-716578223757
Bourne Bridge Club - 6.45pm weekly, Masonic Hall, Roman Bank, Bourne. £2.50. Book by emailing suebeevers1@gmail.com
Art session - 1.30pm to 4pm every Tuesday at the upstairs art studio, Stamford Arts Centre, St Mary’s Street. Have a go at drawing or painting a live model. £10. Hot drink and biscuits included. Information: 01780 763806.
Rutland Group of the Hardy Plant Society -7.30pm, Uppingham Methodist Church, Orange Street, LE15 9SQ. Speaker Timothy Walker of Oxford University-‘Plants for Shade and Woodland’. Visitors welcome - £5, members £3. Refreshments included. Visit: hpsrutland.webador.co.uk
Wednesday, October 11
A Crafty Cuppa at the Oddfellows Hall, 57 Church Street. Mkt Deeping PE6 8AN. 10am. Bring along your own craft project for a cuppa and natter. Contact Janice to book on 01778 560059. Open to all.
Len Pick Memorial Evening - 7pm, Bourne Corn Exchange. Featuring a talk by wildlife photographer Nick Williams. Tickets cost £7.50 including a complimentary glass of wine from: www.lenpicktrust.org.uk/event.
Thursday, October 12
The Gondoliers - 7.30pm, Stamford Corn Exchange. Stamford Gilbert and Sullivan Players production. The latest production of Gilbert and Sullivan classic first performed by the Stamford group in 1905. Tickets £17, concs £16, U12s £8 from 01780 766455 or www.stamfordcornexchange.co.uk
Keep Warm Open Day - 2pm, Oddfellows Hall, 57 Church St. Market Deeping. PE6 8AN. Come and join us for a natter and free refreshments, while finding out what Oddfellows can do for you. Open to all.
Art session - 7.30pm to 10pm every Thursday at the upstairs art studio, Stamford Arts Centre, St Mary’s Street. Have a go at drawing or painting a live model. £10. Hot drink and biscuits included. Information: 01780 763806.
Bourne Bridge Club - 6.45pm weekly, Masonic Hall, Roman Bank, Bourne. £2.50. Book by emailing suebeevers1@gmail.com
Viva Verse and Vino - 7.30pm (doors 6.45pm), The Shambles, Old Town Hall, Bourne. Share your original poetry or recite an old classic or favourite, while enjoying a glass of wine. Tickets £3 plus booking fee from https://bournetownhall.org.uk/events. Proceeds to the Bourne Town Hall Trust renovation project.
Friday, October 13
The Gondoliers - 7.30pm, Stamford Corn Exchange. Stamford Gilbert and Sullivan Players production. The latest production of Gilbert and Sullivan classic, first performed by the Stamford group in 1905. Tickets £17, concs £16, U12s £8 from 01780 766455 or www.stamfordcornexchange.co.uk
Stevie Jone and The Wildfires launch show - Doors 7.30pm, curfew 11pm at Mama Liz’s. Tickets £7 advance/£10 door. Launch concert for new album Clarity in Dusk.Includes music from Yodaclub and Nick Corney and the Buzzrats. www.wegottickets.com/event/589426 or mamaliz.co.uk/whats-on/
Educating Rita - 7,45pm, King’s Cliffe Village Hall. King’s Cliffe Players’ production of the comedy-drama starring Annie Corrigan and Clive Giddings. £10 www.kingscliffeplayers.org/tickets
Deepings Heritage present a talk by Malcolm Moyes - “Reprieved at Lincoln” - about a local woman convicted of murder in the 19th century - 7.30pm, main hall of the Community Centre, Market Deeping. Everyone welcome. Admission £3.
Saturday, October 14
The Gondoliers - 5pm, Stamford Corn Exchange. Stamford Gilbert and Sullivan Players production. The latest production of Gilbert and Sullivan classic first performed by the Stamford group in 1905. Tickets £17, concs £16, U12s £8 from 01780 766455 or www.stamfordcornexchange.co.uk
East Anglia Group Seminar at Oddfellows Hall. PE6 8AN. 2pm. Come and meet our CEO, Jane Nelson. Members only. Book with Karen on 01778 342006.
Educating Rita - 7,45pm, King’s Cliffe Village Hall. King’s Cliffe Players’ production of the comedy-drama starring Annie Corrigan and Clive Giddings. £10 www.kingscliffeplayers.org/tickets
Jumble sale 1pm-3pm, Bulwick Village Centre. Items for sale will include clothing items for adults and juniors, books, plus household items. Admission fee is 50p for adults, cash sales only. All proceeds to the annual horticultural show fund
Pre-loved sale - 10am to 2pm, The Coach House, The Angel Hotel, Bourne. Household items, named clothing, furniture, bric-a-brac, collectables. Teas and coffees £1.50 and cakes available. Free entry.
Open day - 10am to 4pm, Wood Grange Care Home in Bourne. Homemade cakes prepared by the home’s head chef, and will have the chance to meet the team and take a tour of the home
Cathedral Classics concert - 7.30pm, St Mary’s Church, Stamford. Performance by St Peter’s Singersdirected by Jeremy Jepson with Chris Brown on organ. Tickets £15 from Stamford Arts Centre, Helen Drake on 01780 763443 or on the door
Find out about Rotary session - midday to 2pm, Wake House, Bourne. Hosted by The Rotary Club of Bourne, all are welcome to find out about how the club could benefit them
Sunday, October 15
Indoor Farmers’ Market - 10am to 2pm, Bourne Leisure Centre Sports Hall, Queen’s Road, Bourne, PE10 9DX. Explore around 50 stalls featuring artisan food and drinks, local produce and handmade crafts. Reduce your food miles, support small local businesses and buy direct from producers.
Rocks by Rail Museum Open Day - Take a trip on The Rutlander train and Ironstone Quarry Railway Day. End of exhibition marking the 50th Anniversary of the closure of Rutland’s last ironstone quarry at Exton Park. Ticket information: rocks-by-rail.org
Gift wrapping masterclass - 11am, Careby, Aunby and Holywell Village Hall. Hosted by Jane Means, author of Giftwrapper, who appears on TV and has worked for brands including Chanel, Harrods, Dior, Fortnum and Mason and Victoria Beckham. Places are £25 per person and as well as tea, cake and all materials, you will receive a goodie bag to take home including all of your wrapped creations. Profits to the village hall. Details at: carebyvillagehall.co.uk